Discovery with the family.

Our first Mother is Nature. She sings us lullabies, nourishes us and caresses us. Just as a child has obligations to its mother, we should all have a feeling of gratitude to Mother Nature. AMMA

Renowned for the beauty of its rich and dazzling nature, the green Beaujolais offers a hilly and harmonious landscape, that each member of the family will appreciate; during the visit of villages, you will meet warm inhabitants and passionate craftsmen (Oil-works, Basket works, porcelain, Picture gallery) They will not hesitate to share with you all the peculiarities that animate their region.

The Ardière rises just below Mont Saint-Rigaud (1009 m), in the town of
Les Ardillats
, and merges with "the Saône". The length of its waterway is 29.9 km. Along the Ardière, we find sensitive species: The birdle martin-pêcheur. A Fish the Bouvière,
A freshwater mussel
l'Anodonte. We can also see three species of dragonflies: Gomphidae, l'Aeshna, and l' Agrion e Mercure white-footed crayfish.

L'inf' Eau: The Rivers of Beaujolais   

The pure waters of the Ardières are very favorable to the manufacture of paper, a paper mill was installed on its course a long time ago; it belonged to the Montgolfier family.





  Tourisme en Beaujolais