The BEAUJOLAIS wine region

The gourmet and wine-growing region:

When you come from Lyon, to arrive to the farm, you will cross the Beaujolais vineyard, and its various vintage wines. Authentic wines that can be drunk all year round, in moderation of course, to enjoy fully their aromatic power and their sustained bouquet with a floral and fruity tendency.

Beaujolais wines are produced from a single grape variety, Gamay Noir with white juice (Chardonnay is also used for white wines). There are 10 different vintage wines in Beaujolais: Brouilly, Chénas, Moulin à vent, Chiroubles, Côte de Brouilly, Fleurie, Juliénas, Morgon, Régnié, Saint Amour and 2 appellations Beaujolais-Village and Beaujolais. To these, we must add the Beaujolais Nouveau, which arrives each year on the third Thursday of November.

We invite you to discover the wines, in the heart of the Beaujolais vineyard.

The Beaujolais vineyard is 17,324 ha, including:
7115 ha of Beaujolais .
4209 ha of Beaujolais Villages.
6000 ha for the 10 crus de Beaujolais.

All cultivated by 3000 vineyards.

Harvest September 2014           Tasting in the cellar






                                                          Tourism in Beaujolais